
Monday, September 24, 2018

Hello September Tag

You know what I need to do better at? Keeping up with tags for one thing. There are several different ones that I've been tagged for that I've copied and pasted the questions/rules for in drafts in my blogger post editing thingy that have just been sitting there, collecting proverbial dust for months... or even as much as a year. So, I think it's about time I get down to business and catch up on all these lovely tags that you guys have so graciously awarded me with. But I've come to the conclusion that I probably shouldn't go about doing them all in one post... If I did, that post I'm sure would be so dreadfully long that the person who would actually read the entire thing in one sitting without obligation should be given a standing ovation.

But anywho.

I probably won't be posting a bunch of tags in a row, but I hope to get to doing most of the ones I've been tagged for this fall/winter.

So to start off with, I'm doing this fun fall tag that the lovely Brooklyne tagged me for over at her blog, Showers of Blessings! :) And since it's called "Hello September" I figured that I'd better get to doing this before September flies by! So -- here we go!

The tag rules:
  1. Please copy these questions (below), answer them, and then write out new questions (or just copy these) for the people you nominate below your answered questions.
  2. Please nominate at least 3 bloggers, but try to avoid ones that you know have already been nominated. 
  3. Lastly, include these guidelines in your post, and use the tag picture (above)! 
Alright, let's answer some questions!

Windy or rainy autumn?
While I like a rainy day here and there, I think I'd much rather have a more windy autumn. I really enjoy sunny, windy days. :)

anyone who thinks leaves are dead - Google Search

Do you like chai tea?
I don't believe I've ever tried it. So, I'm not sure!

Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or apple cider?
Well, I actually don't think I've ever had apple cider before, and I'm not really a coffee person. ("Yes, I can still be a writer even if I don’t drink coffee. I’ve tried it, I just don’t see what’s so good about it. *runs from all the coffee loving authors*" ~Brooklyne :P) So, I'd have to go with either hot chocolate or tea, depending on the mood. :) If I had to pick just one, probably hot chocolate. Chocolate's my fav! :D I actually am not a super-fan of hot tea honestly. I like a couple flavors, but I guess I just don't drink it that often. Now, ice tea... yes! I like the flavor of the ice tea we get (which I guess is technically just black tea) and sometimes I'll heat that kind up, and I like it a lot that way, too. I don't think that it's really the tea being hot that I don't like, maybe it's just most of the flavors of hot tea that I've had I don't like as much? Anyway, sorry, I'll stop rambling about my deal with tea and move on now... :P
coffee in the evening light

If you could go to one state in the U.S.A just for the autumn scenery, where would you go?
Ooh, well, since traveling out to Colorado this summer, I think that it would be a lovely place to go for autumn scenery, with all the trees and mountains. So I'd probably choose Colorado! (Well, either there, or some state in New England... like maybe Vermont. :) )

Do you like soup in the autumn? If so, what kind is your favorite?
I do like soup! (especially my mom's! :) ) I don't know if I particularly have a favorite kind though. I like a lot of different ones! But if I had to choose... maybe vegetable... or potato... or chili... one of those! ;)

What color of leaves do you like best? 
I like them all really! But I especially enjoy orange and red leaves. Bright orange leaves are so pretty to me!
Okay, so I suppose one could argue that these are more yellow than orange... but they're still pretty, so. ;D
If you could go to another country just for autumn scenery, where would you go?
OH MY. So many choices! Well, (as Brooklyne said in her post) I'd want to go somewhere with a lot of trees with changing leaves of course. Probably a country in Europe... Maybe Switzerland! I'd really like to visit Europe some day, and I think Autumn would probably be a nice season to go. :)

Sweater or hoodie?
Can I say both? :P It really depends! I like sweaters... but hoodies are really nice, too, and they have convenient pockets as well, so... Both. Yeah, both.

A hazelnut or apple cinnamon candle?
Hmm... I'd probably go for an apple cinnamon candle. :)

Cookies, brownies, or both?
BOTH! But if I had to choose between the two, I might pick brownies over cookies. (I'm a chocolatey girl, what can I say? *makes note to self to not go overboard on chocolate this fall* :P) But I absolutely positively enjoy cookies as well! So yeah... since I can, I'd definitely choose both!

Pumpkin Swirl Brownies are the Perfect Fall Treat!  Such a delicious brownie recipe for this time of year! Uncommon Designs
So apparently this picture I found on Pinterest is of "pumpkin cheesecake swirled brownies"! :O I think I shall have to try this sometime!
What's your favorite fall activity? (Like a fall photo shoot, knitting, crocheting, baking, reading, etc...)
Oh, there's so many fun ones! I really enjoy doing things with family and friends, like going to pumpkin patches, doing corn mazes, hayrides, picnics, hiking, and things like that! :)


This was a lot of fun! Thank you so much, Brooklyne for tagging me! :) I'm so excited that fall is now officially here! Though I'm kind of sad summer is over, autumn is such a lovely season as well, and I'm glad for it to be here again!

Now, I'll tag...
Christina @ Light Unto My Path
Olivia @ Meanwhile in Rivendell or Towards Indecisive and Palpitating Stars
Abby @ Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors

And here are your questions!
Windy or rainy autumn?
Do you like chai tea? 
Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or apple cider? 
If you could go to one state in the U.S.A just for the autumn scenery, where would you go? 
Do you like soup in the autumn? If so, what kind is your favorite?
What color of leaves do you like best? 
If your could go to another country just for autumn scenery, where would you go?
Sweater or hoodie? 
A hazelnut or apple cinnamon candle?
Cookies, brownies, or both?
What's your favorite fall activity? (Like a fall photo shoot, knitting, crocheting, baking, reading, etc...)
Bonus questions!
Pumpkin or apple pie?
Have you ever had a pumpkin spice latte? If not, do you think you would like it/want to try one?
Would you rather go on a hayride or do a corn maze?

Have fun, gals! But if you'd rather not do this tag, than please don't feel obligated! It's totally up to you. :) And also, I realize that it's already nearing the end of September, so even though I'm pretty sure this is maybe possibly probably breaking the rules, I just made up a new rule that states  you can still fill out this tag after September if you can't get to it before then.
And ALSO -- if you are either wearing a sweater or drinking a hot beverage whilst reading this right now... then consider yourself tagged, too! ;D

I hope all of you are having a wonderful September! God bless, and I'll write to y'all later!


  1. Fun answers! :D (Hehe, I feel you on super-long combined tags posts . . . #struggles)

    I don't like coffee or tea very much, either! Twinsies. *high five*

    Ooh, New England/especially Vermont! Yes, yes! We've gone a couple times, and I LOVE it. :)


    Ooh, and soup . . . You're giving me lots of fall feelings right now, heehee! xD

    Cool answers, again! :)

    1. (Hehe, yes... xD)

      Oh really?? I THINK I knew that you didn't like coffee, but I didn't realize you weren't a tea person either! :O *highfives back* (Although, as I said, I do quite enjoy ice tea. ;) )

      Ooh, that's so cool that you've been up there! :D I haven't been that way yet, but I'd really like to go sometime!


      Ahhh yes, all the fall feels!! <3 xD

      Thanks so much for reading! :D This was a fun tag to do!

  2. Oooh! Great answers, Faith. Haha. I don't like coffee or tea much, either. :) And yes, girl. Veggie and Chili would be two of my top, as well! :)
    Hope you have been doing well!

    1. Thanks for reading, Christina! :) Hehe, nice! ;D Yes, those soups are delicious! (And your chili is always scrumptious ^_^)
      Thanks, I have! Hope you have been doing well, too! <3

  3. For some reason, I didn't see this post until now! I loved reading your answers!!! We have a lot in common! :) Thanks for doing this tag! <3

    1. Thanks for reading, Brooklyne! Oh, that's awesome that we do! :) Of course; it was a lot of fun! Thanks so much for tagging me! <3

      Hope you have been doing well!
