Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmas movies I want to watch // 12 Days of Christmas Blog Party

Ahh, Christmas movies. I feel like I've been watching quite a few of them lately, but there are still those ones that I've thought and thought about watching, but just haven't gotten around to yet. Are there movies like that for you? Ones that you've thought for a long time, "I should watch that sometime", but have never taken the time to actually either get the movie from the library, or find it on Amazon/Netflix/etc., and so they just keep lingering on your "to be watched" list for days... and months... and years? Oh come on, I know I'm not the only one who does this... am I?

Well anywho, I thought I'd share some Christmas movies that I've been wanting to watch for a while now. (Maybe it will help motivate me to actually get to watching them, who knows. :P)

The Nativity Story
Image result for the nativity story
I've heard many good things about this movie from several friends now, and I think it's high time that I got to watching this! It looks like it would be a beautiful retelling of the first Christmas.

It's a Wonderful Life
Image result for it's a wonderful life cover
I KNOW. It's probably some sort of crime that I've never actually seen this classic film, but I'd really like to right this "wrong" this Christmas season.

Miracle on 34th Street
Image result for miracle on 34th cover
Yes, again, another classic Christmas movie that I still haven't seen yet! What is the world coming to?! But I'd really like to see this one sometime and experience this "classic-ness" that I've missed all these years. ;)

The Man Who Invented Christmas
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My mom and I have seen several previews for this one, and it looks like it would be a rather fun, interesting watch! (Of course though, it would have been nice if they had come up with a different title for this -- obviously Charles Dickens or his book, A Christmas Carol did not invent Christmas... JESUS DID, PEOPLE. ;) )

Image result for elf movie
I've heard and seen things around about this movie for quite sometime now, and it looks like it might be a fun one... I kinda want to give it a try. xD

Christmas Oranges
Image result for christmas oranges
I remember seeing a preview for this on Amazon last Christmas, and it appealed to me quite a bit, but for some reason I never got around to actually watching it. Hopefully this year!

Christmas for a Dollar
Image result for christmas for a dollar
Yet another one that I've seen around the Christmas-movie-watching sphere but have never gotten around to watching yet. I just saw the other day another fellow blogger's post about how this was one of her favorite Christmas movies, and it made me want to watch it even more!

Hmmm.... *suddenly ponders* Well... maybe I should stop working on this post then and actually get to watching these movies instead of just talking about them... That's a thought. ;)

Oh, but before I go I must ask you guys -- Have you seen any of these movies? How did you like them? Which one would you especially recommend? Or is there one that you think I shouldn't waste my time on? :P I'd love to hear any thoughts you might have on these!

Also, don't forget to head on over to Stories by Firefly for more Christmas fun with the 12 Days of Christmas blog party going on!

Write to ya later! God bless!


  1. Not to be a stick in the mud, but The Nativity Story is one we've been warned about by....I can't remember how many people. They say Mary is portrayed as a Rebel. I haven't seen it, but that's what we were told.

    On the flip side, you need to watch Instrument of War! So good! And Christmas Shoes. [Both require tissues] Hallmarks Silent Night is my favorite, bit my copy is edited, so...

    1. Oh okay, hmm. Well, maybe I'll watch a few previews for it first then and see. A couple good friends of mine, who usually have pretty good taste in movies, have recommended it to me several times, so... I might just give it a try at least. But thanks for letting me know about that.

      I haven't seen Instrument of War or Hallmark's Silent Night before (at least not that I remember); I'll have to check those out! But as for Christmas Shoes..... I've heard the song... and I think that's about as much as I want to hear of that tearful story, I'm sorry... D':

      Thanks for commenting! :)

  2. I definitely recommend Christmas for a Dollar! ;) Great post! :)

    1. I need to watch that one soon! :D Thanks so much, Molly Anne!

  3. *gasp* YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE NATIVITY STORY?!?!?! Oh my goodness, Christina and I have failed you. :-P (Heehee, just kidding.) But yes, definitely try it! I will warn you, it is a little intense in parts and Mary is pretty underwhelming/dissatisfactory at first. The actress's portrayal of her has grown on me a lot with more watches, but she offers a different take on Mary, one that really highlights her humanity and vulnerability. (In other words, she's not portrayed as perfect.) But otherwise, yes. :)

    I also highly recommend The Man Who Invented Christmas and (slightly less highly ;)) Elf! Heh, yes, TMWIC could definitely have had a slightly more accurate title *ahem*, but it's a good movie! And Elf is absolutely ridiculous but does have some "classic," quotable lines. :)

    Okay, confession-time: I've never liked It's a Wonderful Life that much. :-P (I mean, it's good, I guess, just not my personal thing. But I hope you like it! :))

    I've seen parts of a remake of Miracle on 34th Street, but not the original.

    Fun post! I hope you get some of these watched this season. :) Merry Christmas!! *hugs* <3

    1. I KNOW! XD Haha, I remembered you both mentioning it before. I have it out from the library now, so... I'm pretty much all out of excuses to watch it now. ;) Ah okay, thanks for your input!

      Okay, nice! Looking forward to watching those soon. :)

      And I see that it must just really depend on a person's preference with It's a Wonderful Life... there are some saying "WATCH IT NOW!" and then you're saying you didn't care for it... so I guess I'll just have to watch it myself and see, haha! ;D

      Thanks, Olivia! (I actually haven't gotten to any of these yet unfortunately, but we'll get there eventually... ;) ) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! *hugs* <3

  4. GO WATCH IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE ALREADY!!! xD Seriously, at first I was like "what is this....?", but gracious, it's so good after you get the whole of the story. In my own very-biased-because-it's-Jimmy-Stewart-for-pete's-sake opinion. :P

    Miracle of 34th Street is good as well, though I haven't saw it lately. I watched The Nativity Story ages ago, and I didn't love it, but it wasn't bad. Christmas for a Dollar, now...if you skip one of these, I'd say skip that one. Not a fan. xD

    Hope you enjoy them! Thanks for taking part in the party this year! :D

  5. FAITH!!!! YOU MUST WATCH IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE!! That is literally my ALL TIME favorite Christmas movie! Ahhh it's so so good!!!! :) Merry Christmas!


  6. I hope you were able to watch It’s a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street, and Elf—I love them, they’re on the list of Christmas films my family and I watch every year. They’re absolute classics! I highly recommend them :D I haven’t seen any of the others, but I’ve been hoping to watch The Man Who Invented Christmas; it looks incredibly interesting.

  7. I've seen parts of The Nativity Story and want to see the rest. I quite liked it.

    I looooooove It's a Wonderful Life. It IS a crime you haven't seen it yet.

    I like Miracle on 34th Street okay. Mostly cuz Maureen O'Hara is my favorite actress.

    The Man Who Invented Christmas is on my TBW shelves, waiting for December.

    I watched Elf last year and didn't care much for it. It was doofy and silly and had a lot of dumb humor I didn't appreciate. I was not its target audience.
