
Saturday, December 1, 2018

For all you NaNoWriMo-ers out there...

Well, National Novel Writing Month has officially come to a close.

Did I participate in NaNoWriMo? Well... no. But I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate all my dear friends who did. Even if you didn't get to finishing that entire 50,000-some-word novel, still -- good for you. You gave it your all. At least, I'm assuming you did... Maybe you actually didn't give it your all...

But anyway, you tried at least, which is more than this girl can say, because she didn't end up doing NaNoWriMo, or really much writing at all this past month.... (mostly because of life, school, etc.) So, I just wanted to say..... GOOD JOB, PEOPLES!!!
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And just one more thing before I take my leave of this post. There's this YouTube video that I first saw several years ago by Broken Lens Productions that I've always thought would be fun to share with NaNoWriMo/writery people; So... here 'tis, NaNoWriMo/writery people! It's a humorous vlog proposing a new novel writing challenge... a 72 hour one! I hope you enjoy! ;)

Would you ever try this 3 day novel writing contest, or know of someone who would? XD Do you think it would even be possible?? (I might go for a short story in 72 hours, but yeah, I think that's about it. :P)

Again, congratulations to all of you who completed, or at least attempted in writing a novel for National Novel Writing Month!! I hope that this video amused you guys, and that you're having a wonderful start to your December! (IT'S OFFICIALLY CHRISTMAS TIME!!! YAAAAYYY!!! :D)

Write to ya later, and God bless!


  1. This was my first year of participating in the actual NanoWriMo! Although I did not "win" I did get to 30,000 words which was pretty awesome for me! :) I can't imagine writing a novel in three days! Like you said, maybe a short story or something! *winks* ;D

    1. That's awesome! :D Congrats!! 30,000 words is a lot of progress! Yes, I know... it would be kind of crazy! XD
      Hope your writing is continuing to go well! :)
